Monday, May 3, 2010


Sasha and I were having lunch. Sasha and I went to high school together.
“He told me to call him Justin” I told Sasha, I narrated the story to her. Sasha worked a couple of blocks away from me but we still found time almost everyday to go and eat.
“Is he married?” Sasha asked me.
“I don’t know” I responded as I put the lasagna in my mouth.
“What do you mean by you don’t know I don’t want you fooling with no married men, their wives might be poison and I don’t want you getting into any kind of trouble with some other woman, its not worth it my dear.” Sasha said. I like Sasha, she has some real good sense but no man of her own. A drop dead gorgeous beauty, with some serious brains with no man of her own. How does she do it, I just wonder because sometimes if you check deep into her life you will find out some amazing things. Okay my mind is wandering. Sometimes the thought of men should not always dominate one’s mind.
“I know”  I responded not knowing what else to say. I don’t want Sasha to start preaching, she could go overboard sometimes.
“How is Phillip, been spending sometime together?” she asked me.
“Not really these days, Jasmine is around and when she met him she had one of those silly attitudes of hers and I am really not ready to deal with it right now.” I responded, I couldn’t believe Jasmine would behave like that but sometimes she really doesn’t know better than to pull up her funky ghetto ways.
Sasha laughed.  “ Its Jasmine as usual, I didn’t know she was around” Sasha said.
“She has been around for a couple of days now and if she is not careful I will buy her a plane ticket and send her back to Atlanta, I don’t have time for all this nonsense and I need a private life.” I told her. Ever since Jasmine came, Phillip would not come around but that is partly because I asked him not to. I don’t mix relationship with family and another reason is because my mother does not really like men. I won’t be surprised if she called me to tell me that she had found a female lover and they would like to get married. I doubt that.

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