Monday, May 3, 2010


 I was doing the dishes at home one evening when James walked into the house. There was a pile of dirty greasy plates in the sink and I had to wash every single one of them before going to bed, they had been there all day and more plates were added in the evening when Janelle entertained her friends.
“Hey you” James said and I turned around to look at him. He smiled at me. Every time he smiles at me, it warms my heart.
‘Hey” I responded.
‘That’s a plate too many for you to wash” he told me looking in the sink.
“Miss Cece won’t like to see all these plates in the sink and I have to do the dishes before going to bed.
“You have been working hard all day at the shop, Janelle could have done the dishes.” he said.
“You know how Janelle is, don’t worry about the dishes, I will wash them.” I responded.
“Janelle” he called out as he walked away from me into the living room. I could sense trouble. Janelle was upstairs talking on the phone to her boyfriend. He went upstairs still calling Janelle. Next thing I heard Janelle’s door open and she came out
“What do you want James and why are you yelling out my name like that?” I heard her ask her brother.
“Why didn’t you do the dishes, you left them for Gina to do.” he told her. I turned off the tap so I could hear what the were saying more clearly, I actually wanted to hear her response to what he had to say.
‘Is that why you were yelling my name like that?” she asked him.
“Janelle, you need to go downstairs and do the dishes, right now at least help.” James told her.
“What’s Gina there for?” she replied.
“She is here to assist mom and live with us not as a domestic maid and your personal one at that and if you have nothing else to say, I would  like to go back to my room to continue my conversation with my friend.” she told him and next thing I heard her scream, I ran out of the kitchen, I saw him wrap his hands around her neck and she looked at him in horror. I ran up the stairs.
‘Please, stop this, don’t fight” I told him as she screamed even louder.
“Let me punch the crap out of her, she is always disrespectful” he replied as he tightened his grip. I couldn’t take it anymore, I pulled him away and his weight made me fall, Janelle quickly scrambled to her feet and he pulled her legs and dragged her on the floor. I stood up, and tried to pull him again, I didn’t want Miss Cece to walk in and meet this scene, it would be horrible and I think I thought too quickly because right then the door opened and Miss Cece walked in.


“Hey” I said trying to make both of them feel comfortable. They looked tense. They didn’t know I heard their conversation.
“Hey” Pamela replied uncomfortably. “Okay, you need to leave now, I will talk to you later.” she told the young man, Dimabo.
“Oh no, I hope I didn’t interrupt anything” I said. I knew she didn’t want him around when I was there.
“No you didn’t he was just taking his leave when you walked in, isn’t it?” she asked him and Dimabo innocently shook his head.  I looked at both of them and the word foolish was the first thing that came to my mind.

Pamela sat on her bed watching television in her room when I walked in. She looked at me with bloodshot eyes. She had probably been sniffing on her white powder.
"How was your day?" I asked her.
"It was great" she responded and before she could say something else her cell phone began to ring, she looked at the screen on her I phone and answered the call.
"Hello" she began, she stood up and walked away from the room. I tried to strain my ears to listen to the conversation. She seemed clearly upset and I have no idea why. She was beginning to act really strange. Usually she made all her phone calls in my presence. Ever since I caught her with the guy selling the stuff, she started avoiding  me, we didn’t study together as usual and she became a recluse. She walked back into the room and took the remote control on the bed and changed the channel on TV. I decided to break the silence because it was getting too loud.
“What’s going on, you have been acting strange lately?”
I asked her.
She looked at me confused.
“How?” she asked me.
“We don’t even kick it together anymore, we don’t have group study we don’t talk that much, I hope you are okay, have I offended you in any way?” I asked her.
“No you haven’t I have just been busy that’s all.” she responded not looking in my eyes, I knew she was lying and she probably thought that I knew she was lying as well. I took my leave and went to my room.


Sasha and I were having lunch. Sasha and I went to high school together.
“He told me to call him Justin” I told Sasha, I narrated the story to her. Sasha worked a couple of blocks away from me but we still found time almost everyday to go and eat.
“Is he married?” Sasha asked me.
“I don’t know” I responded as I put the lasagna in my mouth.
“What do you mean by you don’t know I don’t want you fooling with no married men, their wives might be poison and I don’t want you getting into any kind of trouble with some other woman, its not worth it my dear.” Sasha said. I like Sasha, she has some real good sense but no man of her own. A drop dead gorgeous beauty, with some serious brains with no man of her own. How does she do it, I just wonder because sometimes if you check deep into her life you will find out some amazing things. Okay my mind is wandering. Sometimes the thought of men should not always dominate one’s mind.
“I know”  I responded not knowing what else to say. I don’t want Sasha to start preaching, she could go overboard sometimes.
“How is Phillip, been spending sometime together?” she asked me.
“Not really these days, Jasmine is around and when she met him she had one of those silly attitudes of hers and I am really not ready to deal with it right now.” I responded, I couldn’t believe Jasmine would behave like that but sometimes she really doesn’t know better than to pull up her funky ghetto ways.
Sasha laughed.  “ Its Jasmine as usual, I didn’t know she was around” Sasha said.
“She has been around for a couple of days now and if she is not careful I will buy her a plane ticket and send her back to Atlanta, I don’t have time for all this nonsense and I need a private life.” I told her. Ever since Jasmine came, Phillip would not come around but that is partly because I asked him not to. I don’t mix relationship with family and another reason is because my mother does not really like men. I won’t be surprised if she called me to tell me that she had found a female lover and they would like to get married. I doubt that.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


I hadn’t seen him since college and all those memories came back to me. He hadn’t aged since the last time I saw him and that was what brought back those memories
Back in UC Berkeley I had the best room mates in the world, Susan and Jenny. We always had a good time, we always had somewhere to go every weekend and it was at one of the social events I met him. I couldn’t forget that moment. Susan was talking to him and I walked up to her to give her the camera and then all of a sudden they stopped speaking and looked at me. I looked into his eyes. I sized him up to, he was well shaven and smelled real good. Susan introduced us and we ended up spending the whole night talking. We talked about everything from school to cars, internships, travel abroad program, credit cards. I liked him, he had a great sense of humor and he knew how to keep a conversation going very well. I wondered if he had a girlfriend and I figured out he probably didn’t or else he wouldn’t spend so much time talking to me. No female would leave her man out there for some other woman to prey on for too long. Some female would have come for him a long time ago. Just as our conversation was beginning to get personal, Jenny appeared from nowhere

“Cassandra, I have been looking high and low for you, its time to go, Susan is ready?” she said without acknowledging his presence. I was about to speak and she walked away. I said goodnight to him and walked away. I was tempted to turn back to look at him but I didn’t. What surprised me most was that he didn’t ask me for my number. He probably was not interested in me. He probably just needed someone to keep him company or pass time and I happened to fall prey for that. There were so many other people at the party I could have met but instead I chose to stay tied to him in the back like a sacrificial animal.
In the car, Susan and Jenny teased me about him and I couldn’t understand why.
“You should have seen the look on Cassie’s face, she didn’t even want to leave.” Jenny said.
“That’s not true, you were so rude you didn’t even say hello to him.” I replied defensively.
“I am not worried about whether I was rude to him or not and you should know by now that I don’t care whatever men decide to think when they see me.” Jenny said. Jenny was no longer interested in men. She went from one bad relationship to another and things never seemed to improve with the next guy. I think she carried all her baggage from her previous relationships and put them on the next one and for men that’s not a good thing.


Work was rather hectic, I have never been this busy and someone got transferred from the other branch to work at ours for a week. I hope it is not permanent because I have never been this busy handling this many files. It is so bad that I cannot even go on my face book page. I usually send a text message to my cousin Danielle but I can’t do so today or at least this week. One of my supervisors think that the fellow might be a spy. There were so many whisperings going on in the building. The silence was actually getting louder and I had absolutely no idea who the person was until right now. This tall, charismatic looking young man walks to my cubicle.
“RoseofSharon’ he spoke in the deepest baritone voice that made me almost jump off my seat. I took a look at him. Another nice looking dude too hot for my agenda. I am already booked with Phillip but this one is seriously out of bounds, for one he is a workmate and a boss and for two he should be the married type. I would cry if this dude is single and if his wife is next to ugly.
“Yes sir” I responded
“My name is Justin, Justin Long” he told me. I almost chuckled, Long, what a last name, Long John, long what?
“Nice to meet you Mr. Long” I replied not knowing what else to say.
“Justin” he responded with no expression on is face.
“Justin” I replied looking in his eyes.
“Yes, okay Roseofsharon, I need the data to the Los Angeles records,” he told me. I looked at him in amazement, he could have just used the intercom to relay the message to me, why did he have to come all the way to my floor and my cubcle to tell me that. Sometimes I think common sense is really not that common and I hope for sure that it is not what I am thinking because I cannot handle two men and definitely not Mr Long John. Lol. This is getting interesting. Roseofsharon you are quite something.